We do not offer garage installation services, however we are the preferred supplier to many of the garage building businesses in Winnipeg. They know the best place to get quality material you can depend on.

Typically, garage packages do not come with drawings.  However, they can be made available.  Please call us or visit us for details.

This will depend mostly on the size of your property and is governed by City or Municipality Codes.

Yes, in Winnipeg you can go here – City of Winnipeg information -> https://www.winnipeg.ca/PPD/permits/Residential/GarageDetachedAccessoryBuilding.stm Permit Form -> https://www.winnipeg.ca/ppd/Documents/Permits/Permit-Application-Form-Detached-Garages-Accessory-Structures.pdf Outside of Winnipeg you will need to check with your local rural Municipality

There is really no advantage to using either material it really comes down to your personal preference and how it might tie in with the rest of your property.